First of all:
They want a group of followers who will follow them to the death. If this trend continues, along with the incumbant corruption that such power holds, it will eventually lead to a Jim Jones type of group, where they are reduced in ranks, but what is left are willing to drink cyanide coolaid.
How soon will this take, as I believe my in-laws will easily fit into this category!!
and Secondly -
Remember that in God’s eyes your worth as a person is not measured by how much you do in the field ministry. All of Jehovah’s servants are precious to him.[/b] (Haggai 2:7; Malachi 3:16, 17) What you do in the preaching work may be more or less than what others do, but as long as it represents your best, Jehovah is pleased, and there is no need for you to feel guilty.—Galatians 6:4. (bold mine)[/quote]
My husband was advised by the Service Elder, that they way to become a ministerial servant is as follows:
For a few months before a CO visit, make sure you do 10 hours a month in the ministry.
Put down on your report that you study with your daughter (yeah like at 3 months it is a STUDY).
When the CO visits, he will look at your card, see what you have been doing for 6 months - these figures will please the CO and you will be a Ministerial Servant.
Yes we said, but my husband cannot keep doing 10+ hours a month, as well as working full-time. And if you are then made a MS, you will need to keep that level of ministry going??
That doesn't matter, said the elder, as soon as you are made an MS, you can drop your hours again. Just do enough for the CO to be pleased with.
Jehovah NEVER came into the conversation. Only the CO (a bit like staying late at the office to please the boss and gain promotion- but then likely your place of work is not claiming to be Gods organisation on earth)
The whole thing stinks.
Enlighted UK